Monday 24 February 2014

Throwing - it's like riding a bike (or is it?)

Some days I just struggle with throwing. I don't know why - if I have to be in the right frame of mind, concentration at the right level, pure luck, practice, right weather conditions or some other black magic.

It's apparently not like riding a bike - although I do cycle every day but don't throw every day. If I cycled like I throw some days I'd be broken and bruised.

Anyway here are the pitiful offerings I have to show for a throwing session at the weekend. Porcelain again, which I'd been OK at previously.

Some shoddy attempt at throwing porcelain
Some shoddy attempt at throwing porcelain - ha!
If I'm honest I don't think I prepared the clay well enough - possibly it had started to dry out a bit or affected by sub-zero temperatures as it felt uneven as I was throwing it, and lumps seemed to appear in the walls of the bowls.

Well its all practice, and reclaimable clay. Gotta take the rough with the smooth.

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