Saturday 24 August 2013

Some new glass colours to experiment with

I love using glass in my ceramic pieces. I love it for its translucent fluid qualities, the way it crackles and crazes in the kiln. It can add a focal point of interest to an otherwise subtle piece and of course the colours are clear and true.

A friend has asked me to make egg cups for her and her two daughters - the colour requests were quite specific! So that was an excuse to put in an order for some more glass...

Coloured sheet glass from the Create Glass Guild - aqua, pale purple and orange
Coloured sheet glass from the Create Glass Guild - aqua, pale purple and orange

I've used the aqua before in the floral piece earlier on in my blog. Some exciting colours to start playing with - watch this space!

I get all my glass from the Creative Glass Guild - excellent service and delivery is really speedy.

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