Saturday 24 August 2013

A very happy accident!

Sometimes something amazing happens when you experiment and when the unexpected turns out well, it makes the failed attempts worthwhile.

It's all about learning that failure is part of success...

I created this slip-cast piece as an experiment to try out a new glaze I'd made up which was emerald green. What came out of the kiln first time round was particularly underwhelming, and made its way into my (ever growing) box of rejects.

Then a week or so ago when I was preparing a stoneware glaze firing I realised I had some space in the kiln. I decided to try to breathe life into a couple of 'dead' pieces - nothing to lose there. So I reglazed this and one other bowl with a white over the green. I could never have predicted the result...

Stoneware slip-cast bowl twice glazed white and emerald green
Stoneware slip-cast bowl twice glazed white and emerald green

Stoneware slip-cast bowl twice glazed white and emerald green - detail
Stoneware slip-cast bowl twice glazed white and emerald green - detail
It looks best when viewed directly from above...

Stoneware slip-cast bowl twice glazed white and emerald green
Stoneware slip-cast bowl twice glazed white and emerald green

As I can easily reproduce this effect now, this is going into my soon-to-be opened Etsy shop.

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